Vinyl Art
Batman and Green Lantern: Me, myself, and eye
Make your own way
Iron Man: #%$@
Sold out
Deadpool: Big words from a dude wearing a loincloth
Captain America: You and me
Batgirl: That stage of grief
Black Panther: Street level panther
Star Wars / Rey: You know what to do
Power Man and Iron Fist: I Gotchu, Brother
Stargirl and Shazam: It's about a relationship
Sabretooth: Blood and sound effects
Fantastic Four: We are not, as Johnny would say, screwing around.
Werewolf: Off the leash
Sold out
Giant Man: Pic of the century
Captain America: And then someone dies.
Deathstroke: Because grenade placement matters.
Purgatori: All their love and happiness. That gets weird.
Don't turn around. No, really. Don't.
Sold out
The cost of war.
Wonder Woman: Superheated Strategy
Spiderman: Exotic Strings
Masterpiece in shades of lavender