Vinyl Art

Mega: Staring down a titan

Captain America / Falcon: Fallen

Captain American / Captain Marvel: Love is a gentle thing

Batman / Superman / Wonder Woman: Even they have bad days


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Superman: World on my shoulders

Superman: Storm Warning

Green Lantern: I'm not you

Green Lantern: Tapping the central battery

Stargirl: I GOT it.

Spiderman: Offbeat plot

Spiderman: Love gets you through the day

Spiderman: Love and Typhoid

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Spiderman: Meeting of the minds

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Spiderman: Black suit evolution

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Spiderman: Gotcha

Spiderman / Hawkeye: Heroes in orange

Spiderman: Lizard

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Flash: Triumphant

Flash: Rebirth

Flash: In here, I am king!

Flash: Be right back

Flash: I'll take the pretty one

Black Panther: The Panther's Client

Hulk: Because sharks. That's why.

Punisher: Family

Black Widow: Thrilling enough?

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Hulk: Titan

Anime: We're gonna need another boat

Anime: Big Fruit

Anime: Unpleasant discovery

Anime: Rule #1: Cardio

Godzilla: Morning's Calling

Godzilla: Casablanca

Godzilla: Detonation

Godzilla: A Bigger Threat

Godzilla: Pure Brute Strength

Godzilla: Hard Won Victory

Make your own way

Masterpiece in shades of lavender

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Spiderman: Exotic Strings

Wonder Woman: Superheated Strategy

Iron Man: #%$@

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Deadpool: Big words from a dude wearing a loincloth

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Captain America: You and me

Batgirl: That stage of grief

Black Panther: Street level panther

Star Wars / Rey: You know what to do